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Casco Bay Smiles Blog

Do You Have Dentures? Avoid These Foods

August 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 3:02 pm
Plate of raw vegetables with dip

Do you have dentures? Your prosthetic can provide you with many benefits, including the ability to eat a wide variety of foods. However, since your replacement teeth do not have the same chewing power as the natural ones that you lost, you should avoid or limit certain foods. This guide is here to help you steer clear of items that could harm your dentures or your oral tissues.


What’s That Bitter Taste in My Mouth?

June 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 8:16 pm
Woman sticks out tongue in disgust.

Ever notice a strange, bitter taste in your mouth that just won’t go away? A persistent alteration of taste in the mouth is called dysgeusia, and it can remain until the problem causing it is addressed. People with the condition report bitter, salty, metallic, foul, or rancid tastes, and it can interfere with enjoying food or drink or prove distracting from the activities of everyday life.

While regular oral hygiene is usually enough to control persistent bad tastes, some cases can be more serious and require professional intervention. Read on to learn more about the causes.


When Can You Get Your Dentures After Having Teeth Removed?

May 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 1:07 pm
older man eating sandwich

Once someone has decided to get dentures and fully restore their smile, you can imagine that they don’t want to wait any longer than they have to. In many cases, however, some or all of their remaining teeth need to be removed before they receive their prosthetic to ensure the most secure and lasting fit. Because of this, patients often have to wait after their extractions before they can receive their new teeth, but for how long on average? It turns out that the answer is it depends, but you’ll find much more clarity if you read on below.


How Long is the Wait Between Having Teeth Removed and Getting Dentures?

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 1:04 pm
Close-up of a senior person’s hand holding dentures

When first getting full dentures, it’s important to realize that the process will take multiple steps. In particular, any teeth that are still in the arch will have to be removed. So, once the necessary tooth extractions have been performed, when will you be able to get dentures? The answer is different for every patient, but your dentist can give you an idea of what the timeline will look like.


It’s Bedtime & My Tooth Hurts…What Should I Do?  

March 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 12:25 pm
young woman trying to sleep

It has been a long day, and you’ve done everything you need to before going to bed. There is just one thing: your tooth is throbbing. What started as a dull ache is now a toothache that is impossible to ignore. Oddly enough, it seems to start really hurting right before you go to bed. Why is this happening, and more importantly, what can you do to make it stop so you can get some shuteye? As it turns out, this isn’t a unique problem, so there are a few simple solutions you can take advantage of right away.


Which Dental Emergencies Cause Facial Pain?

January 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 7:55 pm
woman experiencing facial pain

There are many reasons why you may experience facial discomfort, which is most often felt in the face, cheeks, or forehead. Since it refers to a symptom rather than a condition, there several potential underlying causes. In some cases, the problems can be difficult to navigate on your own. The first step to receiving effective treatment is understanding the possible facial pain causes. Read on to learn which dental emergencies can lead to this discomfort!


Why Does Your Jaw Hurt on One Side? 5 Possible Causes

November 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 11:01 pm
Man rubbing one side of mouth due to jaw pain

One minute you felt completely normal, and the next you suddenly started experiencing serious pain on one side of your jaw. The first two questions on your mind are likely to be “What’s causing my pain?” and “Is this a sign of something serious?” Fortunately, jaw pain usually isn’t cause for immediate concern; that said, it’s important to be aware of what it could mean. The following post explores 5 potential reasons for jaw pain on one side.


Which Toothpaste Is Best for My Porcelain Veneers?

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 4:39 pm
Toothpaste resting on a toothbrush.

If you’ve just received porcelain veneers, you’re probably pretty thrilled about the look and feel of your new smile. However, now it’s a simple matter of keeping your new pearly whites looking their best; but this is often easier said than done! And when it comes to maintaining the integrity of your porcelain veneers, even the little things matter—such as what toothpaste you use to keep them clean! Keep reading to learn more about which toothpastes are ideal and which you should avoid when it comes to veneers.


4 Important Facts to Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

August 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 7:35 pm
Patient at the dentist receiving porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers are one of the hottest available solutions in cosmetic dentistry! This awesome treatment option has paved the way for patients who desire a brighter, whiter, Hollywood-caliber smile. That said, you might be interested in receiving veneers to noticeably enhance your smile, but you have questions you want answered before you commit to treatment. Keep reading to learn four important things about veneers that every candidate should know going into the process.


Teeth Whitening vs. Veneers: Which is the Better Treatment?

June 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cascobay @ 10:25 am
Cut out of tooth and question mark

Your local cosmetic dentist would do an effective job at treating your stained teeth. Even a yellowy-brown smile can look white and shiny again with the correct procedure. However, you might not know which treatment would help you the most. For instance, which would better fix discoloration — teeth whitening or porcelain veneers?

To help you answer that question, here’s a comparison of the two services’ traits. Read it over to find out which is the right choice for you!

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